To become a Jikiden Reiki Shihan (teacher), there are 2 steps. First, you have to become Shihankaku by attending Shihankaku workshop. After becoming Shihankaku, teach Shoden classes to students to have teaching experiences.

¦Repeating for the teacher courses (Shoden/Okuden)
@Please repeat the classes with Tadao Yamaguchi or Daishihan.
@(Please check with us when you would like to clarify the conditions. etc)

For Repeating
  œ5,000 / part
(equivalent price in other currencies)
œShoden @3 parts ~5,000 = 15,000
@@@@@@@( 3 Reiju )

œOkuden @2 parts ~5,000 = 10,000
@@@@@@@( 2 Reiju )

œFull Repeat = 25,000